quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012


looking trough the stars
up in the great black sky
I search the meaning of life
while my guitar gently cry
some lô borges songs
that my mother used to hear
when I was inside her belly
when the stars that I saw
were her flesh and blood and tears
looking trough the mirror
I see some strange lines
inside my eyes
they look like stars
up in the great black sky
and life suddently starts to
mean something in the way she moves
I see the sound of things
like the wind in my skin
I see the sound of you
coming in visions of my mind
looking trough the night
I dream about
some lô borges songs
that I used to hear
when the world was inside my belly
nine out of ten movie stars
make my cry
I`m alive
vapor barato
vamos dançar no escuro
no fim do mundo
no futuro
fugere urbens
fugere tudo

i`m alive

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